The Universal Magazine

How to Finally Get the Most Out of Dating Apps?

Smiling mixed-race woman in front of her phone on the street

Dating can come with new challenges and sometimes be a source of frustration. In the past, relationships were arranged by families and guided by society, which limited options.

Today, singles have an infinite number of potential partners at their disposal. But how is it that in the age of dating apps, it is still difficult to find a partner? It must be acknowledged that it is possible to meet a stranger in a few minutes. But the chances of a second date are reduced, and the scenario of a long-term relationship is downright utopian.

Here are our tips to finally make the most of dating apps.

Choosing the Right App

TinderKnown for its ease of use, this app is ideal for quick and numerous encounters.
BumbleThis app emphasizes female initiative: women must send the first message.
MeeticThis app is more focused on serious and long-term relationships.
OkCupidThis app uses detailed questionnaires to match users based on compatibility.
FruitzThis app allows users to choose their fruit according to their desires.
There are plenty of applications; it's up to you to find the right one based on your interests
There are plenty of applications; it’s up to you to find the right one based on your interests

Tips for Getting More Matches

Your Description

Don’t try to impress by listing facts about yourself, like your job, passions, or travels. Be original!

Attract attention with a touch of humor. You will have an edge if you limit your description to a few words. The perfect description shines with photos. It should give a coherent and attractive impression.

If curiosity leads to a click, a short but convincing description can help you find a relationship. A unique description will allow you to stand out from others.

Photos First

Dating sites are online photo galleries with selfies, vacation photos, quotes… In short, it’s the first impression you will have of the person and the only really visible information.

Feel free to hire a professional photographer who will know how to highlight you naturally
Feel free to hire a professional photographer who will know how to highlight you naturally

Keep it simple with a photo that represents you and highlights you. We recommend choosing a professional photographer. They will know how to highlight you without overusing filters and other unnecessary artifices.

Short Profiles

It is possible, on some dating sites, to describe yourself in a few lines. But it is also quite common to see empty profiles under photos.

Indeed, it is not necessary to fill in information. Everyone can write what they want. If you want to attract attention, don’t hesitate to say a little about yourself. But above all, without going on too long, a mistake in an era where everything remains online…

Keep it simple, brief, and add a few smileys… The opinion of a kind close friend who knows you well can help.

Be Natural

Just because you’re on the Internet doesn’t mean you have to be a fake. Embellishing your life and photos can be tempting. But it’s to be avoided if you want a real relationship. The person may be disappointed if they realize that the person they meet in real life is different from the one on their profile.

Apps often perpetuate the myth of Prince Charming; it's up to you not to be fooled and to arrange meetings safely
Apps often perpetuate the myth of Prince Charming; it’s up to you not to be fooled and to arrange meetings safely

Authenticity: that’s the real deal! You will attract profiles that match you, people with the same goals. Thus, you will no longer waste time with others.

Be Committed

Send relevant messages rather than generic ones. Take the time to read profiles, to be interested in the other person. Send personalized messages and make jokes. Don’t hesitate to respond quickly either. This shows your interest in the person in front of you and use the app’s features like superlikes or boosts.

The Importance of Enriching Conversations

Quality should be prioritized over quantity. The goal is not to have ten meaningless conversations. It is better to have one or two, rich and meaningful, that lead somewhere.

Be careful, don’t put all your expectations into one conversation. You have no guarantee of success. Indeed, it is important to have exchanges that do not always have a specific goal. Just simple messages where you can relax and have a good time.

Some applications are free for women; ladies, you have the right to accumulate
Some applications are free for women; ladies, you have the right to accumulate

Moreover, there is no point in dragging out a conversation that brings you absolutely nothing. It diverts you from your main goal.

When the conversation is started, it is ideal to avoid cliché questions such as "what do you like most about yourself?", "what are your flaws?", "what would you do if you won the lottery?"… Ultimately, the goal is to get to know the person behind the screen. Avoid basic questions of a simple match.

Using the App Wisely

Dating apps do not eliminate the risk of disappointing experiences. They also do not guarantee finding a soulmate.

The main difficulty then comes from our expectations. The dating app is actually just the context; it is up to us to act afterward. Therefore, it is necessary to make good use of these apps.

Today, it should not be forgotten that behind these apps, there are real people. They have fears, emotions, dreams, and doubts, just like you. You must then be open and give your full attention to the other person.

You can never be too careful with virtual meetings
You can never be too careful with virtual meetings

Indeed, it is easy to fall into superficiality and "dehumanize" the other person.

In the end, we are having a conversation with the other person behind a screen. All we see: a message, a description, and a few photos. Use AI only to correct your spelling, never to respond on your behalf. The illusion does not last and wastes time unnecessarily.

Protecting Yourself from Fake Profiles

You have surely heard of The Tinder Swindler? The story of a man who allegedly managed to steal millions of dollars through a dating app. Yes, many scams hide behind fake profiles on dating sites. You have to be careful.

First, beware of fake profile photos. Some are too good to be true. If the photo is found on the Internet or has already been used, it is a fake profile.

Always refuse to send money to your interlocutor regardless of the context. Dating sites are not help sites. The same goes for links or attachments sent. Be vigilant. They can incite you to provide personal information. Be careful not to click just anywhere.

Fake profiles are everywhere. It's not just bachelors... Don't hesitate to report them to the app administrator
Fake profiles are everywhere. It’s not just bachelors… Don’t hesitate to report them to the app administrator

Do not share your personal information or photos yourself either. A malicious person could use them to harm or manipulate you. And above all, for a first meeting, see each other in a public place, in view of everyone. This will reassure you.

So, take your time. No need to rush even if your interlocutor is pressing and stop the relationship if necessary.

The Promises of Dating Sites

Dating apps are constantly evolving to meet the new demands of singles. They must now show a clean slate and guarantee security and innovation.

Indeed, today, one in three relationships is created through dating sites. Through these apps, you can know a lot about your crush even before meeting them. Profiles speak volumes and can even direct us to the person’s social networks. We can then see their username, job, friends without them even being aware of it. This drift is also addressed in the series You.

By accumulating a large amount of information, dating apps expose people to many predators. Therefore, since 2017, security has been strengthened on dating apps, in most cases. For example, some apps control the photos sent to avoid people receiving unsolicited photos.

A fulfilling romantic relationship depends on what each person brings to it. Consider reflecting on your own illusions
A fulfilling romantic relationship depends on what each person brings to it. Consider reflecting on your own illusions

Apps now want to teach their users to behave with the same integrity online as in person. A real challenge!

With these explanations, you will be better equipped to navigate the world of dating apps. You will thus increase your chances of meaningful connections.

Listen to yourself, trust yourself, but always be careful! Always prioritize the first meeting in a public place.

Finally, don’t hesitate to talk about your good or bad experiences with your loved ones and on forums (anonymously).